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Small Church with a Big Heart

Updated: Feb 15

Advent might be a small church, but our hearts are mighty. Together, we are making a difference both in our local community through several ministry efforts to make our world a better place. Here are some updates of the impact some of our collections have made to local charities.

Puppy on the beach
Advent donated more than $500 to Benzie County Animal Shelter

Did you know our spare change adds up fast? Each week, the children of the congregation collect coins (and sometimes dollar bills) in steel buckets that go to local charities. In December and January, these coins added up to over $500 to benefit the Benzie County Animal Shelter. And just in case you need a new pet or want to help some cats and dogs in between their forever homes, this is a great place to help dogs and cats who are already local residents.

Children in backpacks
Children can bring home food for the weekend in a backpack

The noisy offering collected in February and March will benefit Benzie County's Blessings in A Backpack. If you haven't heard of this charity, it makes a difference in our local community by providing weekend meals to kids with food insecurity. Advent has connected with this charity before, as they are very helpful in identifying families that would most appreciate the Thanksgiving dinner baskets we have donated. There is always a special connection when it is a charity that benefits our neighbors within our county.

Prescription drugs
Addiction Treatment Services helps local residents struggling with drug and alcolhol addiction

Advent is currently collecting items in two ways for Addiction Treatment Services, which is located in Traverse City, Michigan and helps people recovering from addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Donations of toiletry items

Donate toiletry items for people who need to focus on their recovery. Here is a list of the center's most needed items:

Single packaged toothbrush Deodorant

Toothpaste Comb/Hairbrush

Liquid Soap Razor

Shampoo Nail Clippers

Conditioner Feminine Hygiene Products

Body Lotion Laundry Pods

Shave Gel Cotton Swabs

Donations of returnable cans/bottles

Ten cents per can/bottle can add up fast! There is a collection bin immediately inside of the front doors for your returnable cans and bottles. The refunded money from the bottles will sponsor basic need items including bus passes, gas cards, hygiene products, bedding, and more.

Community members picking up trash from a field
Advent's twice annual Road Cleanup is coming up in spring

God's Work. Our Hands.

We have more ways to help our local community coming up in the coming months. If you have any questions about how to get involved with Advent's efforts to help these local charities or any of the ways that Advent is helping our local community or worldwide, please contact Dana in the church office.


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