in Lake Ann, Michigan

Begin by reviewing the 2024 Summer Camp Guide for all the camp details including dates, times, pricing, and weekly themes. We also have a Camp Handbook with lots of practical details of how camp will run this summer
Fill out these two forms once per child you are interested in enrolling in camp:
Child Information Card (B-CAL 3731 Rev 3/17/22)
Fill out this form once per family interested in enrolling in camp:
Online Registration Is Now Open
Look just below this message (in the yellow space), and select the weeks you just indicated on the Enrollment Interest Form above, fill out the form to buy "tickets" for each week below, process your payment, and your spot is saved!
If there is an option to buy tickets, that week is not sold out.
If the week you are looking for is missing, then your enrollment form (above) has added you to the waitlist.
It has come to our attention that you need to check out of each week of camp individually. We're sorry for the hassle, but WIX, our website host, has not yet upgraded their website functionality to allow "events" to be purchased through a shopping cart. Come to the Camp Staff Open House and enjoy some free ice cream to make up for it. :). But if you have more than 1 camper, you can get more than 1 ticket to each event at the same time.